Cant Download Apps On Android

I have a Huawei ascend y300 4.1 android jelly bean .Every time I try downloading apps from google play it says 'Couldn't install on USB storage or SD Card' I try deleting apps I don't use for memory space but it still doesn't work,How can I Sort this out ???

  1. Android Phone Won't Download Apps
  2. I Cant Download Apps On My Android Insufficient Space
  3. Can't Download Apps Updates On Android
  4. My Phone Can't Download Apps
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Android Phone Won't Download Apps

How to install incompatible or region-restricted apps on Android. All you need to do is just download the APK app via APK. With your device or your Android version. You can’t do anything.

I Cant Download Apps On My Android Insufficient Space

3 Answers

1) Go to your phone's Settings > Storage

2) Unmount SD Card (your external SD card)

3) Download/install from the app(s) from the Store again

4) Go back to Settings > Storage - then Mount your SD card again (or reboot)

Or you can try this

1)Insert the sd card in you windows pc

2)You will find a folder named android_secure in it you will find the file named smdl2tmp1.asec delete it

(Make sure in pc folder options, the show hidden files are enabled and the hide protected operating system files is unchecked)

Source: XDA

Cant Download Apps On Android

Sounds like it's trying to install direct to your SD card.

  1. Go to settings>storage>unmount SD card
  2. Install the app
  3. mount SD card again

Can't Download Apps Updates On Android


Better You Format and try again , still prob download your app from your Pc ,search playstore and download from it .If you havent set your mobile number ,set it .OrDownload apks from in your pc and copy and move it to your Mobile phone


protected by CommunityAug 24 '15 at 0:49

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My Phone Can't Download Apps

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